Source code for gwcelery.tasks.alerts

import json

import numpy as np
from astropy import time
from celery import group
from celery.utils.log import get_logger

from .. import app
from ..kafka.signals import kafka_record_consumed
from . import gracedb
from .core import DispatchHandler

log = get_logger(__name__)

# FIXME Remove this once cwb bbh is uploading to cbc instead of burst
    'Burst': {'BBH': 'CBC'}

class _KafkaDispatchHandler(DispatchHandler):

    def process_args(self, name, record):
        return name, (record,), {}

    def __call__(self, *keys, **kwargs):
        r"""Create a new task and register it as a callback for handling the
        given keys.

        \*keys : list
            Keys to match
            Additional keyword arguments for `celery.Celery.task`.

        def wrap(f):
            f = gracedb.task(ignore_result=True, **kwargs)(f)
            for key in keys:
                self.setdefault(key, []).append(f)
            return f

        return wrap

handler = _KafkaDispatchHandler()
r"""Function decorator to register a handler callback for specified Kafka URLs.
The decorated function is turned into a Celery task, which will be
automatically called whenever a message is received from a matching URL.

    List of keys from :obj:`gwcelery.conf.kafka_consumer_config`
    associated with Kafka topics to listen to messages to.
    Additional keyword arguments for :meth:`celery.Celery.task`.

Declare a new handler like this::

    # Assumes kafka_consumer_config dictionary has 'fermi_swift' key
    def handle_swift(record):
        # record is a dict that contains the contents of the message
        # do work here...

def _on_kafka_record_consumed(name, record, **kwargs):
    handler.dispatch(name, record)

def _create_base_alert_dict(classification, superevent, alert_type):
    '''Create the base of the alert dictionary, with all contents except the
    skymap and the external coinc information.'''
    # NOTE Everything that comes through this code path will be marked as
    # public. However, MDC events with this flag are not made public on
    # GraceDB-playground and GraceDB-test.
    # Re time_created: Dont need better than second precision for alert times

    # FIXME Dont change alert types internally
    # NOTE less-significant alerts have alert_type as PRELIMINARY
    alert_type_kafka = 'preliminary' if alert_type == 'less-significant' \
        else alert_type
    # NOTE the alert group is usually the same as the g-event group. Exceptions
    # are recorded in the CUSTOM_EVENT_GROUP_TO_NOTICE_GROUP_MAP definition
    # above
    superevent_group = superevent['preferred_event_data']['group']
    superevent_search = superevent['preferred_event_data']['search']
    if superevent_group in CUSTOM_EVENT_GROUP_TO_NOTICE_GROUP_MAP and \
            superevent_search in \
        alert_group_kafka = \
        alert_group_kafka = superevent['preferred_event_data']['group']

    alert_dict = {
        'alert_type': alert_type_kafka.upper(),
        'time_created':'.')[0] + 'Z',
        'superevent_id': superevent['superevent_id'],
        'urls': {'gracedb': superevent['links']['self'].replace('api/', '') +
        'event': None,
        'external_coinc': None

    if alert_type == 'retraction':
        return alert_dict

    if classification and classification[0] is not None:
        properties = json.loads(classification[0])
        properties = {}

    if classification and classification[1] is not None:
        classification = json.loads(classification[1])
        classification = {}

    duration = None
    central_frequency = None

    if alert_group_kafka == 'Burst':
        if superevent['preferred_event_data']['pipeline'].lower() == 'cwb':
            duration = \
                    'MultiBurst', {}).get('duration', None)
            central_frequency = \
                    'MultiBurst', {}).get('central_freq', None)
        elif superevent['preferred_event_data']['pipeline'].lower() == 'mly':
            duration = \
                    'MLyBurst', {}).get('duration', None)
            central_frequency = \
                    'MLyBurst', {}).get('central_freq', None)
        elif superevent['preferred_event_data']['pipeline'].lower() == 'olib':
            quality_mean = \
                     'LalInferenceBurst', {}).get('quality_mean', None)
            frequency_mean = \
                     'LalInferenceBurst', {}).get('frequency_mean', None)
            central_frequency = \
                     'LalInferenceBurst', {}).get('frequency_mean', None)
            duration = quality_mean / (2 * np.pi * frequency_mean)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Duration and central_frequency not implemented for Burst '
                'pipeline {}'.format(

    alert_dict['event'] = {
        # set 'significant' field based on
        'significant': False if alert_type == 'less-significant' else True,
        'time': time.Time(superevent['t_0'], format='gps').utc.isot + 'Z',
        'far': superevent['far'],
        'instruments': sorted(
        'group': alert_group_kafka,
        'pipeline': superevent['preferred_event_data']['pipeline'],
        'search': superevent_search,
        'properties': properties,
        'classification': classification,
        'duration': duration,
        'central_frequency': central_frequency

    return alert_dict

[docs]@gracedb.task(shared=False) def _add_external_coinc_to_alert(alert_dict, superevent, combined_skymap_filename): external_event = gracedb.get_event(superevent['em_type']) if combined_skymap_filename: combined_skymap =, superevent['superevent_id']) else: combined_skymap = None alert_dict['external_coinc'] = { 'gcn_notice_id': int(external_event['extra_attributes']['GRB']['trigger_id']), 'ivorn': external_event['extra_attributes']['GRB']['ivorn'], 'observatory': external_event['pipeline'], 'search': external_event['search'], 'time_difference': round(superevent['t_0'] - external_event['gpstime'], 2), 'time_coincidence_far': superevent['time_coinc_far'], 'time_sky_position_coincidence_far': superevent['space_coinc_far'] } return alert_dict, combined_skymap
[docs]@app.task(bind=True, shared=False, queue='kafka-producer', ignore_result=True) def _upload_notice(self, payload, brokerhost, superevent_id): ''' Upload serialized alert notice to GraceDB ''' config =['kafka_alert_config'][brokerhost] kafka_writer =['kafka_streams'][brokerhost] # FIXME Drop get_payload_content method once # is merged alert_dict = kafka_writer.get_payload_content(payload) message = 'Kafka alert notice sent to {}'.format(config['url']) filename = '{}-{}.{}'.format( alert_dict['superevent_id'], alert_dict['alert_type'].lower(), config['suffix'] ) gracedb.upload.delay(payload.serialize()['content'], filename, superevent_id, message, tags=['public', 'em_follow'])
[docs]@app.task(bind=True, queue='kafka-producer', shared=False) def _send(self, alert_dict, skymap, brokerhost, combined_skymap=None): """Write the alert to the Kafka topic""" # Copy the alert dictionary so we dont modify the original payload_dict = alert_dict.copy() # Add skymap to alert_dict config =['kafka_alert_config'][brokerhost] if alert_dict['event'] is not None: # dict.copy is a shallow copy, so need to copy event dict as well since # we plan to modify it payload_dict['event'] = alert_dict['event'].copy() # Encode the skymap encoder = config['skymap_encoder'] payload_dict['event']['skymap'] = encoder(skymap) if combined_skymap: payload_dict['external_coinc']['combined_skymap'] = \ encoder(combined_skymap) # Write to kafka topic serialization_model = \['kafka_streams'][brokerhost].serialization_model payload = serialization_model(payload_dict)['kafka_streams'][brokerhost].write(payload) return payload
[docs]@app.task(bind=True, queue='kafka-producer', shared=False) def _send_with_combined(self, alert_dict_combined_skymap, skymap, brokerhost): alert_dict, combined_skymap = alert_dict_combined_skymap return _send(alert_dict, skymap, brokerhost, combined_skymap=combined_skymap)
[docs]@app.task(bind=True, ignore_result=True, queue='kafka-producer', shared=False) def send(self, skymap_and_classification, superevent, alert_type, raven_coinc=False, combined_skymap_filename=None): """Send an public alert to all currently connected kafka brokers. Parameters ---------- skymap_and_classification : tuple, None The filecontents of the skymap followed by a collection of JSON strings. The former generated by :meth:``, the latter generated by :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.em_bright.classifier` and :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.p_astro.compute_p_astro` or content of ``{gstlal,mbta}.p_astro.json`` uploaded by {gstlal,mbta} respectively. Can also be None. superevent : dict The superevent dictionary, typically obtained from an IGWN Alert or from querying GraceDB. alert_type : str The alert type. Either of {`less-significant`, `earlywarning`, `preliminary`, `initial`, `update`}. raven_coinc: bool Is there a coincident external event processed by RAVEN? combined_skymap_filename : str Combined skymap filename. Default None. Notes ----- The `alert_type` value is used to set the `significant` field in the alert dictionary. """ if skymap_and_classification is not None: skymap, *classification = skymap_and_classification else: skymap = None classification = None alert_dict = _create_base_alert_dict( classification, superevent, alert_type ) if raven_coinc and alert_type != 'retraction': canvas = ( alert_dict, superevent, combined_skymap_filename ) | group( ( _send_with_combined.s(skymap, brokerhost) | _upload_notice.s(brokerhost, superevent['superevent_id']) ) for brokerhost in['kafka_streams'].keys() ) ) else: canvas = ( group( ( _send.s(alert_dict, skymap, brokerhost) | _upload_notice.s(brokerhost, superevent['superevent_id']) ) for brokerhost in['kafka_streams'].keys() ) ) canvas.apply_async()
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) def _create_skymap_classification_tuple(skymap, classification): return (skymap, *classification)
[docs]@app.task(shared=False, ignore_result=True) def download_skymap_and_send_alert(classification, superevent, alert_type, skymap_filename=None, raven_coinc=False, combined_skymap_filename=None): """Wrapper for send function when caller has not already downloaded the skymap. Parameters ---------- classification : tuple, None A collection of JSON strings, generated by :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.em_bright.classifier` and :meth:`gwcelery.tasks.p_astro.compute_p_astro` or content of ``{gstlal,mbta}.p_astro.json`` uploaded by {gstlal,mbta} respectively; or None superevent : dict The superevent dictionary, typically obtained from an IGWN Alert or from querying GraceDB. alert_type : {'earlywarning', 'preliminary', 'initial', 'update'} The alert type. skymap_filename : string The skymap filename. raven_coinc: bool Is there a coincident external event processed by RAVEN? combined_skymap_filename : str The combined skymap filename. Default None """ if skymap_filename is not None and alert_type != 'retraction': canvas = ( skymap_filename, superevent['superevent_id'] ) | _create_skymap_classification_tuple.s(classification) | send.s(superevent, alert_type, raven_coinc=raven_coinc, combined_skymap_filename=combined_skymap_filename) ) else: canvas = send.s( (None, classification), superevent, alert_type, raven_coinc=raven_coinc, combined_skymap_filename=combined_skymap_filename ) canvas.apply_async()