Source code for gwcelery.tasks.em_bright

"""Qualitative source properties for CBC events."""
import io
import json

from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from .. import app
from ..util import NamedTemporaryFile, closing_figures
from . import gracedb, igwn_alert
from .p_astro import _format_prob

log = get_task_logger(__name__)

[docs]@igwn_alert.handler('superevent', 'mdc_superevent', shared=False) def handle(alert): """IGWN alert handler to plot and upload a visualization of every ``em_bright.json``. """ filename = 'em_bright.json' graceid = alert['uid'] if alert['alert_type'] == 'log' and alert['data']['filename'] == filename: (, graceid) | plot.s() | gracedb.upload.s( filename.replace('.json', '.png'), graceid, message=( 'Source properties visualization from ' '<a href="/api/superevents/{graceid}/files/{filename}">' '{filename}</a>').format( graceid=graceid, filename=filename), tags=['em_follow', 'em_bright', 'public'] ) ).delay()
[docs]@app.task(shared=False) @closing_figures() def plot(contents): """Make a visualization of the source properties. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from gwcelery.tasks import em_bright >>> contents = '{"HasNS": 0.9137, "HasRemnant": 0.0, "HasMassGap": 0.0}' # noqa E501 >>> em_bright.plot(contents) """ # Explicitly use a non-interactive Matplotlib backend. plt.switch_backend('agg') properties = json.loads(contents) outfile = io.BytesIO() properties = dict(sorted(properties.items(), reverse=True)) probs, names = list(properties.values()), list(properties.keys()) with'seaborn-white'): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 1)) ax.barh(names, probs) ax.barh(names, [1.0 - p for p in probs], color='lightgray', left=probs) for i, prob in enumerate(probs): ax.annotate(_format_prob(prob), (0, i), (4, 0), textcoords='offset points', ha='left', va='center') ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.tick_params(left=False) for side in ['top', 'bottom', 'right']: ax.spines[side].set_visible(False) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(outfile, format='png') return outfile.getvalue()
[docs]@app.task(shared=False, queue='em-bright') def em_bright_posterior_samples(posterior_file_content): """Returns the probability of having a NS component and remnant using Bilby posterior samples. Parameters ---------- posterior_file_content : hdf5 posterior file content Returns ------- str JSON formatted string storing ``HasNS``, ``HasRemnant``, and ``HasMassGap`` probabilities Examples -------- >>> em_bright_posterior_samples(GraceDb().files('S190930s', ... 'Bilby.posterior_samples.hdf5').read()) {"HasNS": 0.014904901243599122, "HasRemnant": 0.0, "HasMassGap": 0.0} """ from ligo.em_bright import em_bright with NamedTemporaryFile(content=posterior_file_content) as samplefile: filename = has_ns, has_remnant, has_massgap = em_bright.source_classification_pe( filename, num_eos_draws=10000, eos_seed=0 ) data = json.dumps({ 'HasNS': has_ns, 'HasRemnant': has_remnant, 'HasMassGap': has_massgap }) return data
[docs]@app.task(shared=False, queue='em-bright') def source_properties(mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, snr): """Returns the probability of having a NS component, the probability of having non-zero disk mass, and the probability of any component being the lower mass gap for the detected event. Parameters ---------- mass1 : float Primary mass in solar masses mass2 : float Secondary mass in solar masses spin1z : float Dimensionless primary aligned spin component spin2z : float Dimensionless secondary aligned spin component snr : float Signal to noise ratio Returns ------- str JSON formatted string storing ``HasNS``, ``HasRemnant``, and `HasMassGap`` probabilities Examples -------- >>> em_bright.source_properties(2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.) '{"HasNS": 1.0, "HasRemnant": 1.0, "HasMassGap"}' """ from ligo.em_bright import em_bright p_ns, p_em, p_mg = em_bright.source_classification( mass1, mass2, spin1z, spin2z, snr ) data = json.dumps({ 'HasNS': p_ns, 'HasRemnant': p_em, 'HasMassGap': p_mg }) return data